JRMGE / Vol 14 / Issue 2


Visualization and quantification of soil laboratory impact compaction

Wei Hu, Pawel Polaczyk, Hongren Gong, Yuetan Ma, Baoshan Huang

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a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 851 Neyland Dr, Knoxville, TN, 37996, USA
b Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China

2022, 14(2): 616-624. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.07.001

Received: 2020-12-11 / Revised: 2021-05-22 / Accepted: 2021-07-17 / Available online: 2021-08-02

2022, 14(2): 616-624.


Received: 2020-12-11

Revised: 2021-05-22

Accepted: 2021-07-17

Available online: 2021-08-02


As important methods to guide the field soil compaction, the standard and modified Proctor tests for laboratory compaction have remained unchanged for decades, which should be improved to better understand the compaction process and the properties of soils. In this study, an accelerometer was installed on a Marshall impact compactor to capture the dynamic response of three types of soils during compaction. The experimental test results indicated that the acceleration curve for each blow gradually evolved to a stable pattern following the progress of compaction, and the impact and gyratory locking points were linearly related with coefficient of determination R2 equal to 0.59. The impact compaction curve could be further constructed by filtering the structural resonance, which can be used to quantify the compactability of soil materials. Although each type of soil had a unique set of compaction curves, the slope and value of compaction curve altered accordingly as the moisture content changed for the same soil. In addition, the average acceleration value at the final compaction stage could serve as the target value of soil stiffness.

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Keywords: Impact compaction, Soil compaction, Locking point, Accelerometer, Dynamic response

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Wei Hu, Pawel Polaczyk, Hongren Gong, Yuetan Ma, Baoshan Huang, 2022. Visualization and quantification of soil laboratory impact compaction. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 14 (2), 616-624.

Author(s) Information

Baoshan Huang
✉️ bhuang@utk.edu

Baoshan Huang obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Civil Engineering at Tongji University, China, in 1984 and 1988, respectively, and his PhD in Civil Engineering at Louisiana State University, USA, in 2000. Currently, he is the Edwin G. Burdette Professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) and the Director of Partnership for Sustainable Reuse of Solid Waste at UTK. He served as the Chair of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Bituminous Materials Committee (2010–2012), associate editors and editorial memberships for several reputable academic journals including the Journal of Cleaner Production, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements, International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, International Journal of Transportation Geotechnics, etc. His areas of expertise include infrastructure materials and pavement engineering.