JRMGE / Vol 15 / Issue 1

Qian Lecture

Mechanical behaviors of coal measures and ground control technologies for China's deep coal mines – A review

Hongpu Kang, Fuqiang Gao, Gang Xu, Huaiwei Ren

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a CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute, Beijing, China
b Coal Mining Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing, China
c State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing, China

2023, 15(1): 37-65. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.11.004

Received: 2022-10-18 / Revised: 2022-11-12 / Accepted: 2022-11-14 / Available online: 2022-12-08

2023, 15(1): 37-65.


Received: 2022-10-18

Revised: 2022-11-12

Accepted: 2022-11-14

Available online: 2022-12-08


This paper reviews the major achievements in terms of mechanical behaviors of coal measures, mining stress distribution characteristics and ground control in China's deep underground coal mining. The three main aspects of this review are coal measure mechanics, mining disturbance mechanics, and rock support mechanics. Previous studies related to these three topics are reviewed, including the geomechanical properties of coal measures, distribution and evolution characteristics of mining-induced stresses, evolution characteristics of mining-induced structures, and principles and technologies of ground control in both deep roadways and longwall faces. A discussion is made to explain the structural and mechanical properties of coal measures in China's deep coal mining practices, the types and distribution characteristics of in situ stresses in underground coal mines, and the distribution of mining-induced stress that forms under different geological and engineering conditions. The theory of pre-tensioned rock bolting has been proved to be suitable for ground control of deep underground coal roadways. The use of combined ground control technology (e.g. ground support, rock mass modification, and destressing) has been demonstrated to be an effective measure for rock control of deep roadways. The developed hydraulic shields for 1000 m deep ultra-long working face can effectively improve the stability of surrounding rocks and mining efficiency in the longwall face. The ground control challenges in deep underground coal mines in China are discussed, and further research is recommended in terms of theory and technology for ground control in deep roadways and longwall faces.

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Keywords: Deep underground coal mine, Mechanical behavior, Mining-induced stress, Mining-induced fractures, Ground control for roadways, Ground control for working face

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Hongpu Kang, Fuqiang Gao, Gang Xu, Huaiwei Ren, 2023. Mechanical behaviors of coal measures and ground control technologies for China's deep coal mines – A review. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 15 (1), 37-65.

Author(s) Information

Prof. Hongpu Kang

Dr. Hongpu Kang is Professor at China Coal Research Institute (CCRI). He obtained his PhD in mining engineering from China University of Mining and Technology in 1991 when he started working on ground control problems for underground mines at the Coal Mining Research Institute of CCRI. Dr. Kang has more than 30 years of experience in mining rock mechanics and has consulted on numerous rock stability problems for underground coal mines throughout China. He is the author of more than 150 technical and scientific publications. He owns 5 National Science and Technology Awards and more than 30 patents. He is the principal investigator (PI) of many national projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Dr. Kang is the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the deputy director of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, and an executive member of China Coal Society. He is the editorial board member of Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE), and International Journal of Coal Science & Technology (IJCST).