JRMGE / Vol 15 / Issue 6

Technical Note

Two-dimensional plane strain consolidation of unsaturated soils considering the depth-dependent stress

Lei Wang, Sidong Shen, Tianyi Li, Minjie Wen, Annan Zhou

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a School of Urban Railway Transportation, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, 201620, China
b Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China
c School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Melbourne, VIC, 3001, Australia

2023, 15(6): 1603-1614. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2022.08.011

Received: 2022-04-10 / Revised: 2022-06-20 / Accepted: 2022-08-14 / Available online: 2023-01-06

2023, 15(6): 1603-1614.


Received: 2022-04-10

Revised: 2022-06-20

Accepted: 2022-08-14

Available online: 2023-01-06


In practical engineering, the total vertical stress in the soil layer is not constant due to stress diffusion, and varies with time and depth. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of stress diffusion on the two-dimensional (2D) plane strain consolidation properties of unsaturated soils when the stress varies with time and depth. A series of semi-analytical solutions in terms of excess pore air and water pressures and settlement for 2D plane strain consolidation of unsaturated soils can be derived with the joint use of Laplace transform and Fourier sine series expansion. Then, the inverse Laplace transform of the semi-analytical solution is given in the time domain using a self-programmed code based on Crump's method. The reliability of the obtained solutions is proved by the degeneration. Finally, the 2D plots of excess pore pressures and the curves of settlement varying with time, considering different physical parameters of unsaturated soil stratum and depth-dependent stress, are depicted and analyzed to study the 2D plane strain consolidation properties of unsaturated soils subjected to the depth-dependent stress.

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Keywords: Semi-analytical solutions, Two-dimensional (2D) plane strain consolidation, Unsaturated soils, Depth-dependent stress, Laplace transform

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Lei Wang, Sidong Shen, Tianyi Li, Minjie Wen, Annan Zhou, 2023. Two-dimensional plane strain consolidation of unsaturated soils considering the depth-dependent stress. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 15 (6), 1603-1614.

Author(s) Information

Lei Wang

✉️ wangleiwangjiang@163.com

Dr. Lei Wang is currently a professor at Shanghai University of Engineering and Science, China. He obtained his MSc and PhD degrees at Beijing Jiaotong University and Shanghai University, respectively. He has rich practical experience in the consolidation theory of unsaturated soils. He has led 9 research projects, including two programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and a special program of the National Key Research & Development Program of China. He has published more than 40 research papers in international and national journals. He also serves as a member of the 3rd Youth Working Committee of the Branch of Geotechnics and Geotechnical Engineering of the Chinese Civil Engineering Society and a member of the Special Committee of Rail Transportation of the Shanghai Civil Engineering Society.