JRMGE / Vol 16 / Issue 11


Modeling injection-induced fault slip using long short-term memory networks

Utkarsh Mital, Mengsu Hu, Yves Guglielmi, James Brown, Jonny Rutqvist

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a Energy Geosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA
b Environmental Genomics & Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA

2024, 16(11): 4354-4368. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.09.006

Received: 2023-10-25 / Revised: 2024-08-05 / Accepted: 2024-09-01 / Available online: 2024-09-05

2024, 16(11): 4354-4368.


Received: 2023-10-25

Revised: 2024-08-05

Accepted: 2024-09-01

Available online: 2024-09-05


Stress changes due to changes in fluid pressure and temperature in a faulted formation may lead to the opening/shearing of the fault. This can be due to subsurface (geo)engineering activities such as fluid injections and geologic disposal of nuclear waste. Such activities are expected to rise in the future making it necessary to assess their short- and long-term safety. Here, a new machine learning (ML) approach to model pore pressure and fault displacements in response to high-pressure fluid injection cycles is developed. The focus is on fault behavior near the injection borehole. To capture the temporal dependencies in the data, long short-term memory (LSTM) networks are utilized. To prevent error accumulation within the forecast window, four critical measures to train a robust LSTM model for predicting fault response are highlighted: (i) setting an appropriate value of LSTM lag, (ii) calibrating the LSTM cell dimension, (iii) learning rate reduction during weight optimization, and (iv) not adopting an independent injection cycle as a validation set. Several numerical experiments were conducted, which demonstrated that the ML model can capture peaks in pressure and associated fault displacement that accompany an increase in fluid injection. The model also captured the decay in pressure and displacement during the injection shut-in period. Further, the ability of an ML model to highlight key changes in fault hydromechanical activation processes was investigated, which shows that ML can be used to monitor risk of fault activation and leakage during high pressure fluid injections.

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Keywords: Machine learning, Long short-term memory networks, Fault, Fluid injection

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Utkarsh Mital, Mengsu Hu, Yves Guglielmi, James Brown, Jonny Rutqvist, 2024. Modeling injection-induced fault slip using long short-term memory networks. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 16 (11), 4354-4368.

Author(s) Information

Utkarsh Mital

✉️ umital@lbl.gov

Dr. Utkarsh Mital obtained his PhD in Applied Mechanics from California Institute of Technology, USA, and worked as a Project Scientist in Energy Geosciences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. His research interests include physics-based and machine learning modeling of earth system processes spanning hydrology and geomechanics. Notable accomplishments include (i) modeling mechanical behavior of soils and faults using discrete-element, continuum, and machine learning methods, (ii) geostatistical modeling to quantify uncertainty in field measurements of shear wave velocity, (iii) spatial downscaling of current and future climate using machine learning methods, and (iv) modeling mountainous snowpack using machine learning methods. Dr. Mital is currently an Earth Scientist at Arva Intelligence.