JRMGE / Vol 16 / Issue 11


Development of CASRock for modeling multi-fracture interactions in rocks under hydro-mechanical conditions

Wenbo Hou, Pengzhi Pan, Zhaofeng Wang

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a State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China
b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

2024, 16(11): 4399-4415. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.01.005

Received: 2023-08-11 / Revised: 2023-12-27 / Accepted: 2024-01-20 / Available online: 2024-03-13

2024, 16(11): 4399-4415.


Received: 2023-08-11

Revised: 2023-12-27

Accepted: 2024-01-20

Available online: 2024-03-13


The interaction between multiple fractures is important in the analysis of rock fracture propagation, fracture network evolution and stability and integrity of rocks under hydro-mechanical (HM) coupling conditions. At present, modeling the mechanical behavior of multiple fractures is still challenging. Under the condition of multiple fractures, the opening, closing, sliding, propagation and penetration of fractures become more complicated. In order to simulate the HM coupling behavior of multi-fracture system, the paper presents a novel numerical scheme, including mesh reconstruction and topology generation algorithm, to efficiently and accurately represent fractures and their propagation process, and a potential function-based algorithm to address contact problem. The fracture contact algorithm does not need to set contact pairs and thus is suitable for complex contact situations from small to large deformations induced by HM loading. The topology of fracture interfaces is constructed by the dynamic adding algorithm, which makes the mesh reconstruction more rapid in the modeling of fracturing process, especially in the case of multiple fractures intersections. The numerical scheme is implemented in CASRock, a self-developed numerical code, to simulate the propagation process of rock fractures and the interaction of multiple fractures under the condition of HM coupling. To verify the suitability of the code, a series of tests were performed. The code was then applied to simulate hydraulic fracture propagation and fracture interactions caused by fluid injection. The ability of this method to study fracture propagation, multi-fracture interaction and fracture network evolution under hydro-mechanical coupling conditions is demonstrated.

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Keywords: CASRock, Multi-fracture interaction, Hydro-mechanical (HM) coupling, Efficient grid reconstruction and topology generation, Distributed contact computation

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Wenbo Hou, Pengzhi Pan, Zhaofeng Wang, 2024. Development of CASRock for modeling multi-fracture interactions in rocks under hydro-mechanical conditions. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 16 (11), 4399-4415.

Author(s) Information

Pengzhi Pan

✉️ pzpan@whrsm.ac.cn

Pengzhi Pan obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Engineering Mechanics and Solid Mechanics from Wuhan University of Technology, and PhD degree in Rock Engineering from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2006. Then he worked at IRSM as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2009, and Professor in 2013. In 2011–2012, he served at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), USA, as a Visiting Scholar, working in the modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical (THMC) processes in geological media. His research currently focuses on experimental investigations on rock fracture mechanics and continuum-discontinuum numerical methods to simulate rock nonlinear fracturing processes with and without consideration of coupled THMC processes in geological media. He conducted a series of rock fracture experiments in combination with digital image correlation (DIC) and acoustic emission (AE) techniques to understand the nonlinear fracturing mechanism of rocks. He developed a series of comprehensive successive numerical codes (e.g. EPCA2D, EPCA3D, RDCA, and TOUGH-RDCA, which are incorporated into CASRock (www.casrock.cn)) with a combination of multidiscipline and theories. The codes have been applied to a wide range of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, including the stability analysis of subsurface rock engineering, geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste and geological sequestration of CO2, and coal mining, to understand the underlying failure mechanism and coupling process in complex geological systems.