JRMGE / Vol 16 / Issue 11


Numerical modeling of blast-induced rock fragmentation in deep mining with 3D and 2D FEM method approaches

Michał Kucewicz, Mazurkiewicz Łukasz, Paweł Baranowski, Jerzy Małachowski, Krzysztof Fuławka, Piotr Mertuszka, Marcin Szumny

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a Military University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Mechanics and Computational Engineering, 2 Gen. S. Kaliskiego Street,
00-908, Warsaw, Poland
b KGHM CUPRUM Ltd., Research and Development Center, 2-8 Sikorskiego Street, 53-659, Wrocław, Poland

2024, 16(11): 4532-4553. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2024.01.017

Received: 2023-08-29 / Revised: 2023-12-20 / Accepted: 2024-01-20 / Available online: 2024-05-17

2024, 16(11): 4532-4553.


Received: 2023-08-29

Revised: 2023-12-20

Accepted: 2024-01-20

Available online: 2024-05-17


To optimize the excavation of rock using underground blasting techniques, a reliable and simplified approach for modeling rock fragmentation is desired. This paper presents a multistep experimental-numerical methodology for simplifying the three-dimensional (3D) to two-dimensional (2D) quasi-plane-strain problem and reducing computational costs by more than 100-fold. First, in situ tests were conducted involving single-hole and free-face blasting of a dolomite rock mass in a 1050-m-deep mine. The results were validated by laser scanning. The craters were then compared with four analytical models to calculate the radius of the crushing zone. Next, a full 3D model for single-hole blasting was prepared and validated by simulating the crack length and the radius of the crushing zone. Based on the stable crack propagation zones observed in the 3D model and experiments, a 2D model was prepared. The properties of the high explosive (HE) were slightly reduced to match the shape and number of radial cracks and crushing zone radius between the 3D and 2D models. The final methodology was used to reproduce various cut-hole blasting scenarios and observe the effects of residual cracks in the rock mass on further fragmentation. The presence of preexisting cracks was found to be crucial for fragmentation, particularly when the borehole was situated near a free rock face. Finally, an optimization study was performed to determine the possibility of losing rock continuity at different positions within the well in relation to the free rock face.

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Keywords: Dolomite rock, Two-dimensional (2D) rock modeling, Rock fragmentation, Cut-hole blasting

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Michał Kucewicz, Mazurkiewicz Łukasz, Paweł Baranowski, Jerzy Małachowski, Krzysztof Fuławka, Piotr Mertuszka, Marcin Szumny, 2024. Numerical modeling of blast-induced rock fragmentation in deep mining with 3D and 2D FEM method approaches. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 16 (11), 4532-4553.

Author(s) Information

Michał Kucewicz

✉️ michal.kucewicz@wat.edu.pl

Dr. Eng. Michał Kucewicz obtained his PhD at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland, in 2022 at the faculty of mechanical engineering. He is interested in numerical modeling of materials and structures beginning with metals, through composites and 3D prints until concrete, rocks, and other brittle medium at static and strongly dynamic loading conditions. He focuses on the experimental measurement of failure at different triaxiality conditions to reproduce the advanced damage models. He has participated in several national and European projects related to safety and underground engineering. He actively publishes his research in top international journals and at various conferences.