JRMGE / Vol 13 / Issue 5


Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques

Shuting Miao, Pengzhi Pan, Petr Konicek, Peiyang Yu, Kunlun Liu

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a State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China
b University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
c Department of Geomechanics and Mining Research, Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, 70800, Czech Republic
d Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Company Limited, Urumqi, 830027, China

2021, 13(5): 1002-1019. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.05.001

Received: 2020-12-14 / Revised: 2021-03-23 / Accepted: 2021-05-09 / Available online: 2021-06-26

2021, 13(5): 1002-1019.


Received: 2020-12-14

Revised: 2021-03-23

Accepted: 2021-05-09

Available online: 2021-06-26


A series of coupled static-dynamic loading tests is carried out in this study to understand the effect of slightly dynamic disturbance on the rocks under high static stress. The acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) techniques are combined to quantitatively characterize the damage and fracturing behaviors of rocks. The effects of three influencing factors, i.e. initial static stress, disturbance amplitude, and disturbance frequency, on the damage and fracturing evolution are analyzed. The experimental results reveal the great differences in AE characteristics and fracturing behaviors of rocks under static loads and coupled static-dynamic loads. Both the Kaiser effect and Felicity effect are observed during the disturbance loading process. The crack initiation, stable and unstable propagation in the highly-stressed rocks can be triggered by cyclic disturbance loads, and more local tensile splitting cracks are found in the rocks subjected to coupled static-dynamic loads. The damage and fracturing evolution of rocks during cyclic disturbances can be divided into two stages, i.e. steady and accelerated stages, and the increase rate and proportion of each stage are greatly affected by these influencing factors. High initial static stress, low disturbance frequency, and high disturbance amplitude are considered to be adverse factors to the stability of the rocks, which would induce a high increase rate of the steady stage and a high proportion of the accelerated stage within the whole disturbance period. Based on the two-stage damage evolution trend, a linear-exponential damage model is employed to predict the instability of the rocks under coupled static-dynamic loads.

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Keywords: Damage evolution, Fracture behaviors, High static stress, Dynamic disturbance, Damage model

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Shuting Miao, Pengzhi Pan, Petr Konicek, Peiyang Yu, Kunlun Liu, 2021. Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 13 (5), 1002-1019.

Author(s) Information

Prof. Pengzhi Pan

Pengzhi Pan obtained his BS and MS degrees in Engineering Mechanics and Solid Mechanics from Wuhan University of Technology, and PhD in Rock Engineering from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2006. Then he worked at IRSM as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2009, and Professor in 2013. In 2011–2012, he worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) as a Visiting Scholar in the modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical (THMC) processes in geological media. His research currently focuses on experimental investigations on rock fracture mechanics and continuum-discontinuum numerical methods to simulate rock nonlinear fracturing process with and without consideration of coupled THMC processes in geological media. He conducted a series of rock fracture experiments in combination with digital image correlation (DIC) and acoustic emission (AE) techniques to understand the nonlinear fracturing mechanism of rocks. He developed a series of comprehensive successive numerical codes (e.g. EPCA2D, EPCA3D, RDCA, TOUGH-RDCA, which are incorporated into CASRock (www.casrock.cn)) with a combination of multidiscipline and theories. The codes have been applied to a wide range of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, including the stability analysis of subsurface rock engineering, geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste and geological sequestration of CO2, coal mining, etc., to understand the underlying failure mechanism and coupling process in complex geological systems.