JRMGE / Vol 14 / Issue 1


Surface reconstruction with spherical harmonics and its application for single particle crushing simulations

Deheng Wei, Budi Zhao, Yixiang Gan

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a School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia
b School of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

2022, 14(1): 232-239. doi:10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.07.016

Received: 2021-04-15 / Revised: 2021-06-12 / Accepted: 2021-07-17 / Available online: 2021-11-02

2022, 14(1): 232-239.


Received: 2021-04-15

Revised: 2021-06-12

Accepted: 2021-07-17

Available online: 2021-11-02


Particle morphology has great influence on mechanical behaviour and hydro/thermal/electrical conductivities of granular materials. Surface reconstruction and mesh generation are critical to consider realistic particle shapes in various computational simulations. This study adopts the combined finite- discrete element method (FDEM) to investigate single particle crushing behaviour. Particle shapes were reconstructed with spherical harmonic (SH) in both spherical and Cartesian coordinate systems. Furthermore, the reconstructed surface mesh qualities in two coordinate systems are investigated and compared. Although the efficiency of the two SH systems in reconstructing star-like shapes is nearly identical, SH in Cartesian coordinate system can reconstruct non-star-like shapes with the help of surface parameterisation. Meanwhile, a higher triangular mesh quality is generated with spherical coordinate. In single particle crushing tests, the low mesh quality produces more fluctuations on load–displacement curves. The particles with more surficial mesh elements tend to have a lower contact stiffness due to more contact stress concentrations induced by complexity of morphology features and more volumetric tetrahedral elements. The fracture patterns are also influenced by mesh quality and density, e.g. a particle with fewer mesh elements has a simpler fragmentation pattern. This study serves as an essential step towards modelling particle breakage using FDEM with surface mesh directly from SH reconstruction.

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Keywords: Numerical modelling, Particle morphology, Particle crushing/crushability, Particle-scale behaviour, Sands

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Deheng Wei, Budi Zhao, Yixiang Gan, 2022. Surface reconstruction with spherical harmonics and its application for single particle crushing simulations. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 14 (1), 232-239.

Author(s) Information

Deheng Wei

Deheng Wei is Research Assistant in Geomechanics at School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney (USYD), Australia. He received his BSc and MSc degrees both in Civil Engineering at Tongji University and City University of Hong Kong in 2015 and 2017, respectively, and PhD degree in Civil Engineering at USYD in 2021. Dr. Wei has conducted multi-disciplinary research on geotechnical engineering, applied mechanics, geophysics and construction materials through numerical, analytical, and experimental approaches, which has led to 10 publications on reputable journal as the first or the corresponding author.