Call for papers - Rock Dynamics and Applications in Rock Mass Engineering

Pubdate: 2021-05-01  Viewed: 3215

Rock dynamics is to study the response of rock material and rock masses to dynamic loads, whose research scopes include stress wave propagation, rock blasting, deformation, damage and failure of rock under dynamic loading conditions, as well as dynamic behavior and response of rock structures. It has important applications in mining engineering, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, defensive engineering, earthquake engineering, petroleum engineering, etc.

In 2021, we are organizing a special issue in JRMGE with the theme “Rock Dynamics and Applications in Rock Mass Engineering”. The purpose of this special issue is to bring together ongoing research and major engineering practices related to dynamic response of complex rock masses, providing an insight into the state of the art of rock dynamics research.


We kindly invite you to contribute new and original researches to this Special Issue. Papers on the following topics related to rock dynamics and its applications in rock mass engineering are welcome:

  • Laboratory testing, physical modelling, and field monitoring techniques
  • Dynamic deformation, damage, strength and failure theories of the rock and rock mass
  • Wave propagation in rock and rock masses
  • Dynamic catastrophe mechanism of rockburst, induced seismicity, ground motion, and earthquake-induced geohazards, etc.
  • Numerical modelling on dynamic response of complex rock masses
  • Applications of rock dynamics in major rock mass engineering


It may be noted that all papers will be reviewed through a peer review process as per the JRMGE policy and guidelines. JRMGE is indexed by several indexing agencies, including SCIE, SCOPUS and CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database) and has Impact factor of 2.829.


Journal Pages:



During submission, please click the button “Rock Dynamics” of the Special Issue.


Important Dates:

  • Apr. 30th, 2021: Online submission open
  • Sep. 30th, 2021: Deadline for full paper submission


Guest Editors:

  1. Dr. Shengwen Qi

Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

  1. Dr. Charalampos Saroglou

Senior Teaching & Research Fellow, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,

  1. Dr. William Murphy

Senior Lecturer, Institute of Applied Geosciences, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom,

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