Paper Highlights for the 14th National Academic Conference on Geotechnics and Geotechnical Engineering

Pubdate: 2023-10-23  Viewed: 690

To mark the 14th National Academic Conference on Geotechnics and Geotechnical Engineering in Wuhan, we have put together a selection of papers that highlight recent important progress in the field. All papers are freely available to read!


Analysis of a landfill cover without geomembrane using varied particle sizes of recycled concrete

Charles Wang Wai Ng, Cheuk Lam Ng, Junjun Ni, Haowen Guo, Qi Zhang, Qiang Xue, Rui Chen


Dredged marine soil stabilization using magnesia cement augmented with biochar/slag

Chikezie Chimere Onyekwena, Qi Li, Yong Wang, Ishrat Hameed Alvi, Wentao Li, Yunlu Hou, Xianwei Zhang, Min Zhang


Model investigation of the low-carbon MgO-treated soil foundation based on CO2 overall carbonation

Guanghua Cai, Songyu Liu, Yuqing Zhong, Chisun Poon, Jiangshan Li


Mechanical properties of dredged soil reinforced by xanthan gum and fibers

Dianzhi Feng, Bing Liang, Xingxing He, Fu Yi, Jianfei Xue, Yong Wan, Qiang Xue


Face stability of shield tunnels considering a kinematically admissible velocity field of soil arching

Wei Li, Chengping Zhang, Dingli Zhang, Zijian Ye, Zhibiao Tan


Meso-mechanical anisotropy and fracture evolution of reef limestones from the Maldives Islands and the South China Sea

Lihui Li, Chenglong Li, Beixiu Huang, Jianguang Li, Shouding Li, Xiao Li


Analysis of pressure response at an observation well against pressure build-up by early stage of CO2 geological storage project

Qiang Sun, Kyuro Sasaki, Qinxi Dong, Zhenni Ye, Hui Wang, Huan Sun


Clayey soil stabilization using alkali-activated volcanic ash and slag

Hania Miraki, Nader Shariatmadari, Pooria Ghadir, Soheil Jahandari, Zhong Tao, Rafat Siddique


An undrained expansion solution of cylindrical cavity in SANICLAY for K0-consolidated clays

Haohua Chen, Pin-Qiang Mo


Multivariate adaptive regression splines analysis for 3D slope stability in anisotropic and heterogenous clay

Jim Shiau, Van Qui Lai, Suraparb Keawsawasvong


I hope you enjoy reading the papers and find them informative.

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